Tom Szymczyk

Web Developer


I'm a web developer/programmer with experience in LAMP & MERN stacks and customizing Wordpress. I hold degrees in Computer Science and Visual Arts. I spend my free time traveling, learning languages, reading, and cooking.

Scroll down to see a concise sample of projects I've worked on, as well as to contact me.

Projects screenshot

A single-page, image-heavy, parallax site built from scratch to client specifications. It utilizes jQuery, Bootstrap, and Google Fonts. Images are optimized utilizing srcset and lazy loading to minimize bandwidth/loading time.

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A customized Wordpress site built to client specifications. The front-end template is coded from approved designer layouts and the back-end features extensive customization. The workflow utilized Jira, Gitlab, and CI/CD to coordinate with multiple programmers.

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A site created in response to the Covid-19 pandemic according to departmental specifications and within an existing style guide.

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A Wordpress site on which I consulted following the departure of the original programmer, including implementing design changes, applying updates, and adding a blog.

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